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Customer Service Versus Sales Calls

Written on November 28th, 2012 by in Blog

Recruiting is a sales profession, which insures a high level of rejection. If you are to reach your potential as a recruiter it is extremely important for you to realize that objections are actually buying signs, requests for more information.

If you are not taking three objections you are making customer service calls not sales calls. Once you master the skills of overcoming objections your personal success will escalate and so will your income.

Objections are buying signs; they are a request for more information. When you realize this reality, objections become less intimidating and easier to handle. There is only one type of objection you can’t overcome, and that is silence.

If someone hangs up on you or rejects what you are saying, you have to adapt the attitude “So What – Now What, Next.” Every rejection or objection is that much closer to someone who is going to say yes.

All objections fall into four categories:

• Price
• Service
• Personal
• Postponement

It is much easier to effectively handle an objection when you learn what type of objection you are facing. For instance, if someone says “send me a resume,” that is obviously a postponement objection.

If you are asked to quote your rates, you are facing a price objection. A personal objection could be a complaint directed at you or the firm you represent. A service objection is easy to identify, have you ever heard the phrase “You people?”

Write down the twenty most common objections you hear, place them in one of the four categories and prepare your responses. It is very important to have your responses ready and well-rehearsed so they come across very natural. Once you master the art of overcoming objections, you will experience a higher level of success.

Make sure your calls are not WWD (What We Do) calls. Whether you are speaking to a candidate or client, always address their WIIFM (What’s In It For Me.) When you address what is important to the other person, you will eventually earn the status of a Trusted Advisor. Recruiting is a relationship building technique. Effectively addressing objections is just one step in the process.

Effectively overcome objections and you will escalate your production and earn more money. If you want more training like this and are interested in our ongoing Webinar series entitled “How To Start a Successful Staffing or Recruiting Business in Today’s Economy”, please register your name, email and phone number in the upper right hand corner of this page!

