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It’s Time To Get Things In Order!

Written on October 2nd, 2012 by in Blog

As an Entrepreneur in the Staffing and Recruiting Profession, there is little or no time to get anything in order. Most of you struggle as you juggle your many responsibilities as a Producer, Manager, Owner and Entrepreneur. Obviously, any action close to the money, takes precedence over anything else. However, it is extremely important that you get things in order, to help you weather any future downturns or issues.

Review the systems, processes and paperwork of your business. The most successful Staffing and Recruiting Firms have systems in place that work. It allows them to scale and leverage the time of the owner.

One area that is critical is your Corporate Minutes. If you are not keeping and updating your actions in your corporate minutes, you could be leaving yourself wide open to be personally liable. An attorney could pierce the corporate veil and show that you have not been operating as a corporation and have not tracked information that is mandatory. I would never advise you to set up your business as a sole proprietor without the protection of a legal entity.

Most owners in our profession are Sales Professionals, paperwork and records is not exactly where we are strong. However, as business continues to increase, so do possible liabilities or law suits especially considering we have people on both sides of our sale.

It only takes minutes each month to maintain your documentation, once you catch up past records. If you are incorporated, keeping this information updated is not optional, it’s mandatory.

The obviously first step is to understand what you need to document. We can send you a complete list if you email us at support@staffingandrecruiting.com

You never know when you could find yourself with your back against the wall because your documentation is not in order. It’s often been said that prosperity is not drawn to disorganization so it’s just smart business to be proactive vs. reactive.

This is one of the many things we cover in our training inside of our “Start Up Tutor” which is designed to ensure you know everything you need to know about running your staffing/recruiting business properly.

If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the form to your right, download your whitepapers, and let us know if you have any questions. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

