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Recruiting is a Relationship Building Business

Written on February 11th, 2013 by in Blog

It takes time to develop strong working relationships with your clients. Your goal is to learn something personal about your contact with each conversation. Your goal is to form lifelong friendships / relationships with these people.

If you prove yourself as someone who provides results, advice and your client views you as one of their trusted advisors, they will never end the relationship. If they accept another position, they will take you with them.

If you work a local market, client visits are a must. You learn a tremendous amount of information when you are on-site. They now get to know you as opposed to you being a voice on the phone or email. You will also meet their gatekeepers who can either screen you out or put your calls through.

Never forget that every third contact should be a conversation vs. an email. You are attempting to form a relationship with this person. Computers don’t make placements, people do.

Remember to sign up for our free whitepapers and get access to our upcoming webinar entitled “How To Start a Recruiting and/or Staffing Business in Today’s Economy!”. Do it now! It only takes a few seconds to fill out the form, and you’ll be well on your way to starting a business of your own!

