When your normal existence has consisted of consistently obtaining a paycheck, starting your own business can be frightening. But does that paycheck really represent security?
That’s not the case of thousands of people who lose their jobs annually to merges, cut backs, outdated skills or many other reasons. The days of working for the same company for 30 years and retiring with a gold watch do not exist.
It is also interesting to note that when you are working for someone else, your pay taxes and then pay your bills. When you work for yourself, you pay your bills first and then pay yourself. That is a tremendous difference.
Imagine what you could earn if you were paid what you’re really worth. Imagine financial freedom once you master the Recruiting Profession. All you need is a computer and phone and you’re in business.
You will not generate money in your new business for five to six months, so you need to put some money away to pay your bills. However, the Staffing and Recruiting business has one of the lowest costs of entry of any Profession. You just need to set your business up properly, learn the placement process, add your personality and tenacity and the sky is the limit!