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Fine Tune Your Persuasion skills

Written on April 4th, 2016 by in Blog

To become proficient at closing deals, it is important to fine-tune your skill of persuasion. When used for good purposes, good results typically occur. The opposite however, can also be true. I don’t believe that attempting to achieve candidate or client control will provide positive results.

Developing client and candidate rapport based on trust is extremely effective. It is when you have built this rapport that you can effectively persuade another individual during their decision making process.

There are two types of persuasion – Positive or Negative

Positive persuasion is honest, truthful and principle-based.

Negative persuasion is where a person will say and do practically anything, including misrepresenting the truth (lie) in order to move someone over to their side of an issue. We have a tremendous responsibility to develop positive persuasion skills because we have a major impact on the lives of the candidates and clients we represent.

Be conscious about what you say, how you say it and if it meshes with other things you’ve said. You need to be careful that your clients and candidates do not feel you are trying to control or force their decisions. They don’t mind being positively persuaded if they feel you have their best interests in mind. Most people like to buy, but they do not like to be sold.

It’s important to use the phrase, “I take my direction from you,” to empower the individuals you represent while you are developing your ability to persuade and establish rapport. Fine-tune your persuasion skills and you will increase your production and income.

