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What You Don’t Measure – Doesn’t Count!

Written on September 23rd, 2012 by in Blog

“Measuring for success” is a phrase that moves the focus of measuring to what is possible. In activities that are more complex, it is simply about finding methods of measuring a series of activities throughout the placement process and adjustments along the way to achieve the desired results.

  1. Measurements of activities in sales provides feedback to:
  2. Set standards for activities that lead to desired sales results.
  3. Measure the activities at different parts of the sales process.
  4. Make adjustments to activity areas that need improvement.
  5. Measure against the new results and then the process is repeated.

There are certain ratios and statistics that are critical to measure in order to determine the exact results you need to accomplish each day. In the future, this will help you manage your team if you grow your business.

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