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Written on October 27th, 2017 by in Blog

Your follow-up process must be consistently implemented. I have listed eight strategy tips to effectively follow up:

Tip One: Follow-Up Letters
When writing follow-up letters or emails, implement the following:
– Include something personal you remember from your conversation or meeting
– Add a compliment that your target will appreciate
– Focus on the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) of your target, restate their hot buttons and the benefits your services will provide
– Use a personal close

Tip Two: Follow-Up Call
The best follow-up calls are ones that are education based. Your goals are to:
– Set yourself up as an expert, a consultant, a trusted advisor

– Become part of your client’s and candidate’s decision-making process
– Be the person they call for advice on workforce | workplace issues

Experts obtain more business and referrals than salespeople.

Tip Three: Share Something Fun or Personal
You want to be likable and making your clients or candidates smile is one way to accomplish that goal. Often when you are following up you are not attempting to sell something, you are just attempting to develop rapport, trust, and an enjoyable working relationship.

Tip Four: Use All Means of Communication
With a strong follow-up strategy, you will never lose a client or candidate to one of your competitors. This will continue to develop TOMA (Top Of Mind Awareness) about you and the services you offer. Never underestimate the effectiveness of snail mail or sending correspondence in a tube or bubble envelope vs. an envelope.

Learn from the pharmaceutical industry and realize the power of sending food items to your clients or candidates. We send a fruit basket of the month to individuals who provided referrals to us in our training company and realized how powerful this was in creating TOMA (Top Of Mind Awareness) for one solid year.

Tip Five: Offer Something to Help Them or Their Business
Great recruiters always find ways to help their clients and candidates succeed. You could connect two of your clients who could benefit each other. You could offer contacts or resources to your candidates.

Showing people you care enough to develop a referral and follow up strategy will result in increased profits and growth for your business.

