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Written on January 2nd, 2018 by in Blog

Your job is to book every candidate you submit (not two out of five or six). The following tips will help you book more interviews for your candidates:

You need to set things up when you initially take the job order, contract or assignment. Explain to your client that when you receive the feedback after the first interview, and you then know exactly the talent they want to hire. That is why their feedback is so vital. Remember to show them the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) to gain more detailed feedback. The follow up information enables you to key in on their priorities and possible changes they want on the specs of their order. You need their feedback to ensure you don’t waste their time and can improve the level of service and results they will experience.

Obtain interview times when you take your order, contract or assignment. This assures you will book send-outs for your candidates. Obtain the name of another person who can confirm interviews just in case your hiring authority is not available. You can call and provide the names of the candidates for each interview time. If they request resumes up front, you submit them.

If you are verbally presenting your candidate to your client you need to accomplish the following before your presentation:

• Identify the key requirements of the position and have specific examples of how your candidate meets them.
• Share your candidate’s comments with the client when they were told about the opportunity (obviously the appropriate ones).
• Anticipate any objections your client may have and prepare how you will overcome them.
• Remember that your clients only care about WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). During your presentation they are trying to select candidates who will make them look good.
• Know the important facts about your candidate. Have their profile form open in front of you during your presentation.

Stop talking so much. Often, you sell your candidate in, and then you sell them out by providing too much information. If your clients ask you to tell them about your candidate you say the following: “This candidate has the experience, skills and education you requested. What else would you like to know about them?” Often, they will ask one insignificant question and now you have booked your send-out. Your success or failure in our profession is heavily dependent on your ability to get your candidates in front of hiring authorities to see if there is the chemistry necessary to facilitate the hire.

Remember the importance of chemistry and company culture. Even the most qualified candidate will not get hired if there is no chemistry or they do not fit into the company culture. If there is chemistry, often a client will teach your candidate what they don’t know because they will enjoy working with them. Think of how much more receptive you are to the people you like.

If your client screens out one or more of your candidates, obtain information to help you fine tune your search. Never forget, it is not your job to agree or disagree with your clients. It is your job to figure out who they will hire.

Initially, a client relationship can be compared to a chess game with both of you positioning until a level of trust is established. The more you work with each client, the better you will become at booking interviews for your candidates. That is why developing rapport and striving to become your clients trusted advisor vs. vendor is so important.

Follow the advice in this program and you will become GREAT when presenting opportunities and candidates.

