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What’s in a Company Name?

Written on September 5th, 2017 by in Blog

Your company name plays a key role in the branding and marketing of your business.  There are three different schools of thought regarding company names.

Concept #1 – Reflect your niche

  • Select your niche and segment of the business you will represent before naming your business.
  • Identifying your niche in your name positions yourself as an expert.
  • Your niche in your name enhances Search Engine Optimization.

Concept #2 – Use your personal name

  • Using your personal name provides you with instant name recognition.
  • If you do utilize your name, add words to appear like a larger business, here are some examples:
    • Jones & Associates
    • Jones Enterprises
    • Jones Staffing Experts

Concept #3 – Use attention getting words or make up a word

  • The perfect example of this concept is
  • Another example would be Green Dog or Purple Branch.
  • It would be wise to add the word staffing, recruiting, search or something that reflects the Staffing and Recruiting Profession as part of your name.

When it comes to selecting your name, one size does not fit all.  It is very important that your business name resonates with you and the clients and candidates you will target.

